Session Letter

Saturday, 19 December 2020

Dear Family of North Liberty Presbyterian Church,

Grace and peace to you through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The Session would like to share with you some decisions we have made regarding the worship and services at North Liberty. As we all continually adjust our daily lives to the reality of the COVID 19 virus, North Liberty Presbyterian Church will not have on-site indoor worship or programs on December 20, 24 and 27, 2020. Currently Pastor Rusty is in quarantine as they await Tina’s test results. Pastor Rusty is interested in providing support so please contact him.
Session will meet weekly to assess whether we can open our doors to worship and programs and what are our current needs.
We will continue to serve you in different ways. we will keep you updated through the [email protected] we will be mailing those without emails a summary each week of those communications.
What is happening, when-
December 19, 2020 Poinsettia pick-up between 10:00 and 11:00 am. If you ordered a poinsettia through the Deacons you can pick it up at the portico.
Red Kettle North Liberty style. The kettle will be at the portico and we ask you to donate whatever you can. The money collected will be given to Pastor Pam for local needs through Salvation Army. Our outreach continues during this pandemic.
Sunday, Dec. 20, 2020 Virtual service will be posted on our webpage, YouTube and through the link on the prayer chain. We will continue the Deacon’s DVD ministry.

Thursday, December 24, 2020 There will be an informal gathering in the upper parking lot at 7:00 pm. We will have a modified candlelight service with Silent Night. We have individual LED candles but you can bring your own light as we recognize Jesus, the Light of our World even now. We ask you to stay in or near your car and practice precautions. After this short service you may wish to see the lights. I invite you to my neighborhood Kimberley Estate to view the luminaries and the deer display on Airport Rd. And for fun travel to Grove City Park and see Christmas in the Park.

Friday, December 25, 2020 Celebrate Jesus’ birthday

Sunday, December 27, 2020 We will have a virtual service

Sunday, Jan 3, 2021 We will re-access our ability to gather for worship

Our mission projects continue during this time. A large package was sent to the troops. Thank you to all who contributed. Also, the Mission committee purchased with our Frontier Mission partners Bibles for various mission fields. Let’s pray the word touches hearts.
During this time, please feel free to call Pastor Rusty or any Elder with a concern or communicate through email or phone.
We would ask you to mail your tithe and offering to Deb Hartman at 422 W Main Street, Grove City Pa 16127. Deacon offering can be sent to Paul Eperthener North Liberty Plain Grove Rd, Grove City Pa. 16127.


Susan G. Black, Clerk of Session