Highlights & Upcoming Events:


North Liberty Presbyterian Church has returned to “Normal” in our attendance & gathering policies and restrictions. We are back to “normal” seating patterns and have re-introduced both hymnals and pew Bibles and LOUD singing of hymns is ENCOURAGED. Masking is no longer required, THOUGH it is suggested for those who are un-vaccinated or who suffer from chronic illness or autoimmune conditions making them more vulnerable to COVID-19 or one of its variants. We continue to video record worship services for distribution on DVD, the Church website and our YouTube channels. We will also continue to broadcast the service on our short range AM signal around the building for those who wish to attend, but cannot come inside to expose themselves.


Easter Sunday: 7:00 AM — Sunrise Service on Portico
8:00 AM — Easter Breakfast
11:00 AM — Easter Sunday Worship Service

Tuesday: 7:00 PM — Choir Practice

Thursday: 6:00 PM — Session Meeting

9:45 AM — Prayer time
10:00 AM — Sunday School
11:00 AM — Worship Service for the Lord’s Day

The Mission of the North Liberty Presbyterian Church is to serve Christ. We seek to introduce Jesus as the Christ and become disciples so that together we are enabled to love one another and share His love with those around us.

The Offering is collected in the offering plates on the center table in the Narthex. It will be brought forward during the Offertory for the prayer of Dedication. On Communion Sundays there are two different plates out. The Standard offering goes in the gold plates. (If you are unable to attend worship in person, and wish to give your regular tithe/offering, please send it to the church office to the ATTN: of Debbie Hartman.)

Please remain seated through the end of the postlude.

Video recordings of services available via YouTube & the Church website.
Albert Stuart Channel:

North Liberty Channel:

Church Website:

NLPC subscribes to Right Now Media Ministries which contains an enormous number of video resources and Bible study series. Those resources are available to the members and friends of the congregation.
RightNow Media website: http://www.rightnowmedia.org
Account ID: [email protected]
Password: pRESv1DE0S2022

Sue Black’s Adult Kitchen Class has begun a new study on Right New from Max Lucado. It is titled “Traveling Light”. If you wish to follow along with the study but cannot attend in person, you can still follow along by going to:

PW, again will be collecting for Joy Boxes throughout the year.
This year’s goal will be 40 boxes. April Target Items: Toothpaste & Hairbrushes

PW collection for Bob’s Cupboard (SRU)
+ + + April — Fruits & Vegetables + + +

∙ Children’s Church has resumed Children will be dismissed following the Children’s Message. Additional volunteers to staff Children’s Church would help immensely; if anyone would like to help with Children’s Church, please contact either Joyce Youshock or Dorry Sankey. Thank you, in advance.

April 2022 North Liberty Presbyterian Church Newsletter

Worship Service Videos

SUNDAY, 3 April 2022 || 5th Sunday in Lent

SUNDAY, 10 APRIL 2022 || Palm Sunday

Bulletin for Sun., 10 April 2022

Check out our YouTube Channels for back Worship Services

Below are the links for the Church’s designated YouTube Channel & Pastor Rusty’s personal channel. If you follow the links to the channels, you can subscribe to the channels, and you will get automatic notices of new videos when they are posted. At present, there are only service videos covering the past year. For the North Liberty Channel, these are exclusively NLPC worship videos. For the Albert Stuart Channel, there are also videos “from the COVID BUNKER” from Pastor Rusty’s previous congregation in Penn Hills, PA.

North Liberty Channel:

Albert Stuart Channel:

March 2021 NLPC Newsletter

May 2021 NLPC Newsletter

June 2021 NLPC Newsletter

July 2021 NLPC Newsletter

Article on the Current Church & COVID by RE Jeff Black, Presbytery of Shenango Moderator